College Dating Advice for Guys | How to Attract Women

Friday, September 6, 2013

College Dating Advice for Guys

Everyone in college is connected to the internet these days. You may be sitting in the same cafĂ©, but would chat only over facebook. Some may say it’s a bad habit, but none of us can do without the internet and online social networking!

The best thing about online social networking is the fact that you reach out to all of your friends at the same time and are not limited by your physical presence. You may interact with more people on the internet in a day than the number of people you interact face to face in a month. As such, you meet more people and your network is large and expanded.

Thus, when it comes to dating someone, you get a large variety and numerous choices. You don’t have to do with the second best! You can hit on your friends, friends of friends and friends of friends of friends! The more the hits, the more perfect is your ultimate choice. So when you, finally settle on the person to date, chances are that you have made a good choice because of the wide network.

One more thing that online dating facilitates is telling you the hobbies, likes, dislikes or the kind of person a particular person is. You don’t have to waste many of your precious days getting to know someone whom you ultimately don’t like. College life is short and sweet and should not be wasted dating the wrong person and having a bitter experience.

Also, people are just beginning to gain their individuality during college and its easier to understand them through the monitor screen, rather than upfront. Certain people are more comfortable in typing out their opinions rather than saying them loud. Thus, you get to know a person as he or she is.

If you have an online classes facilitated campus, then you will spend quite some time online and this would help you in keeping in touch with your date. Also, there won’t be much interference of a possessive date in your life.

Expressing your love (or lust) online, is pretty easy with the crowd of love sites available online. Sending e-cards is surely friendlier to your college budget than buying cards from the shops. You are in college and short on time and virtual gifts are cheap as well as easy to gift! You can show your love online by sending kisses and hugs on sites like facebook! Tweeting about how you are feeling right now will bring you and your partner closer. What’s more, love online can be made more fun if you both have video chat service!
Dating is the best solution to be the in crowd in college life. It is a confirmation of yes, you are in demand! As such, changing your status to “in a relationship” is a fast and quick way to spread the hot news and is bound to attract attention!

Online dating in college is a quick and fast way to manage your hectic life without making your partner angry! So keep connected, keep in touch, remain in love!

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